
A New Thing!

Hello there! I am back and ready for business (well, until April rolls around, and I have another baby to hold in my arms! #thirdtrimester man, I can’t wait!!!) Don't worry, I have a new scheduling system I'll be putting on my site real soon! I want to announce a new thing I’m doing! Or,… Continue reading A New Thing!


12 Things I Love About Christmastime

Here it is! My 12 Favorite Things About Christmastime! 1. Cooler temperatures (living in Phoenix, Arizona, that's kind of a big deal...!) So I can wear long sleeves, leave my front door open, have a fire, light candles, and cuddle up with my loved ones and my favorite blanket! 2. The decorations! I love the… Continue reading 12 Things I Love About Christmastime

Uncategorized, Weddings


Hello hello again! How can it already be December but not Christmas yet?! #unfair Oh, right, that. Well, speaking of that, I do have something special cooked up for you guys to help with that.  If you haven't seen it yet, I'm running a special right now I call "Giftable Portrait Sessions". The short version is you… Continue reading Pinterest!

Uncategorized, Weddings

Loose Ends

How on EARTH did I never post about this wedding I did back in JUNE?!!! Well, better late than never! Enjoy 🙂 ***** This was my first Orthodox wedding, and I gotta admit, "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" absolutely did NOT prepare me well at all! What did help was my friend who initially asked… Continue reading Loose Ends

Family, Maternity, Newborns & Infants, Senior Portraits, Uncategorized, Weddings

New Photo Products!

YOU HAVE BEEN HEARD! Thanks to all those who filled out my little survey this week, I have been able to do something I've wanted to do for a looong time... Check it out! I've updated my print packages structure for my printing partners at ShootProof.com! Check it out with this sample gallery here! My… Continue reading New Photo Products!

Family, Maternity, Newborns & Infants, Senior Portraits, Uncategorized, Weddings

Get Those Christmas Cards Out!

We all know that feeling, that horrible nagging feeling, when you know there's something you need to do but keep putting it off...and putting it off...and putting it off! #procrastinationnation right there. Can I get a show of hands, please? (To make me feel better?! I'm way too guilty of this!) Welp, it's THAT time… Continue reading Get Those Christmas Cards Out!

Family, Maternity, Uncategorized

My Amazin’ Family

This portrait session was no ordinary maternity shoot. That gorgeous gal is my sister-in-law! And this is her first baby! EEP! She's been through so much in the last several years of her life. About a year or two back she finally left a toxic and destructive marriage, and went on a spiritual journey. Her… Continue reading My Amazin’ Family