Branding/Individual Portraits, Couples, Maternity, Newborns & Infants, Senior Portraits, Uncategorized, Weddings

Long-time no-see!

Catch up blog post and inquiry.

Branding/Individual Portraits, Uncategorized, Weddings

Laurel & Derek Engagement

Wow! It felt SO good to be out on Thunderbird mountain with these two lovebirds! Laurel and Derek aren’t your “typical” engaged couple. They met online. And that suits them just fine! They are a match made in heaven, and it’s so sweet for me to get to see their glow! It’s really cool to… Continue reading Laurel & Derek Engagement

Branding/Individual Portraits, Uncategorized

Erin’s Mission Farewell Portraits

What an amazing time! This was such a cool experience with this gal right here! A year ago, I did her senior portraits, and the day of the shoot it was all rainy and jazz (definitely threw me through a loop, since I'm a PHOENIX, ARIZONA photographer!). Well, as luck would have it, I haven't… Continue reading Erin’s Mission Farewell Portraits

Family, Newborns & Infants

Theodore James ❤️

I am so especially excited about these photos! Maybe it's because I'm pregnant, but they are just SO cute! This lil guy was SOOO sweet during his session (even though the little stinker wouldn't go to sleep for me!) Lexy and Joe, you guys are ROCKIN' this parenthood thang, and you've got an adorable baby… Continue reading Theodore James ❤️

Uncategorized, Weddings


Hello hello again! How can it already be December but not Christmas yet?! #unfair Oh, right, that. Well, speaking of that, I do have something special cooked up for you guys to help with that.  If you haven't seen it yet, I'm running a special right now I call "Giftable Portrait Sessions". The short version is you… Continue reading Pinterest!

Family, Maternity, Newborns & Infants, Senior Portraits, Uncategorized, Weddings

New Photo Products!

YOU HAVE BEEN HEARD! Thanks to all those who filled out my little survey this week, I have been able to do something I've wanted to do for a looong time... Check it out! I've updated my print packages structure for my printing partners at! Check it out with this sample gallery here! My… Continue reading New Photo Products!

Family, Maternity, Newborns & Infants, Senior Portraits, Uncategorized, Weddings


Hey! How would you like to have photo product packages custom designed just for you??? Well, here's how we can do that! Just fill out my survey here and I'll have just what I need to design my new photo product packages! Yaaaaaay!!!!! (P.S. it's only 2 questions!) Photo Product Survey Thank you!!!

Family, Uncategorized

The Punak Crew

If ever there was a trooper for a client, then it would be Tasia Punak (and the rest of her adorable crew!) First, there was difficulty finding the location. Then, the whole entire wash was actually washed up! Flooded to the point where there were only little slivers of semi-solid earth to stand on. Due… Continue reading The Punak Crew


Things I’m Thankful For…

I just can't help myself! I've been blessed with SO much this year! SO MUCH! A lot of it has been years in the making too, which is extra nice. So let's get the "obvious" stuff out of the way first. For starters, I'm thankful for: My relationship with God My relationship with my husband… Continue reading Things I’m Thankful For…


Food photography?!

Just tried this out last night with my friend, Melody! She's pretty boss with her Filipino cooking, and my favorite things she makes are lumpia and turon! She's making a bunch of lumpia for thanksgiving (and selling it, like the tamale lady!) and I got to do a photoshoot of her making it! Here's a… Continue reading Food photography?!