Branding/Individual Portraits, Couples, Maternity, Newborns & Infants, Senior Portraits, Uncategorized, Weddings

Long-time no-see!

Catch up blog post and inquiry.


2020 Vision

Edit: #throwbackthursday Yeah, I originally wrote this post back in December of 2019!!! Somehow this post never made it to the blog when it was supposed to... #fail  B U T, I find it still relevant, uplifting, and encouraging (especially with EVERYTHING that happened in the first six months of 2020...). I figured I'm probably not… Continue reading 2020 Vision

Newborns & Infants, Uncategorized

Zander & His Hero

Who was your hero growing up? Superman? Batman? Sports stars? Some families have real life heroes in them. Fire fighters. Paramedics. Police officers. This precious newborn arrived just months after his grandfather died. An honorable police officer. I was so impressed to see all the little touches honoring this hero in this baby’s nursery. A… Continue reading Zander & His Hero

Couples, Maternity, Uncategorized

Rachel’s & Mike’s Maternity Session

Guys. Gals. F O L K S. It had been sooooo long since I had worked with a young couple in love. Too long. Like waaaaaaay too long! Mike and Rachel met at school down in Tucson, and have been married now for a few years. This is their first child now and they couldn’t… Continue reading Rachel’s & Mike’s Maternity Session


Trina’s L O V E Session

This year has been a year of firsts and changed for me (everyone else too, I’m sure). Right before Corona locked everything down, I started branching out to doing portraits of models and business owners. I call them “branding sessions”. Well, thanks to Corona, I’ve had a shortage of wedding clients, so I’ve pivoted my… Continue reading Trina’s L O V E Session

Newborns & Infants, Uncategorized

My Lil’ Rosebud!

As many of you know, I recently gave birth to a beautiful baby girl! This post does include my birth story, but first, a few photos! I want to preface this with the fact that I had actually arranged to have a friend of mine do my daughter’s newborn session-because she is a total pro… Continue reading My Lil’ Rosebud!

Branding/Individual Portraits, Uncategorized, Weddings

Laurel & Derek Engagement

Wow! It felt SO good to be out on Thunderbird mountain with these two lovebirds! Laurel and Derek aren’t your “typical” engaged couple. They met online. And that suits them just fine! They are a match made in heaven, and it’s so sweet for me to get to see their glow! It’s really cool to… Continue reading Laurel & Derek Engagement

Branding/Individual Portraits, Uncategorized

Erin’s Mission Farewell Portraits

What an amazing time! This was such a cool experience with this gal right here! A year ago, I did her senior portraits, and the day of the shoot it was all rainy and jazz (definitely threw me through a loop, since I'm a PHOENIX, ARIZONA photographer!). Well, as luck would have it, I haven't… Continue reading Erin’s Mission Farewell Portraits


A New Thing!

Hello there! I am back and ready for business (well, until April rolls around, and I have another baby to hold in my arms! #thirdtrimester man, I can’t wait!!!) Don't worry, I have a new scheduling system I'll be putting on my site real soon! I want to announce a new thing I’m doing! Or,… Continue reading A New Thing!